Funchal, Madeira (Portugal)
27-30 June 2024
12th International Symposium on Mediterranean Lacertid Lizards

Nicholas Arnold awards
Awards for the best student oral and poster communication will be delivered at the end of the Symposium. The award will consist of 3 volumes of the recently published books: Mateo et al. (2022) "Reptiles de Macaronesia" published by AHE (Spanish Herpetological Society), and Carranza et al. (2021) "A field guide to the reptiles of Oman" and Burriel-Carranza et al. (2022) "Reptiles & amphibians of the Hajar Mountains" published by Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) and offered by the Institut de Biologia Evolutiva (IBE)

Nicholas Arnold (1940-2023)

Keynote Speakers
Instituto de Productos Naturales y Agrobiología (IPNA)/ Spanish National Research Council
He is interested in the study of the evolutionary ecology trends of organisms on islands with special reference to those oceanic ones. Trophic ecology, mutualistic systems and rare insular ecological interactions are particularly interesting to him.
University of Florence
Marta's research mainly focuses on the ecology and conservation of herpetofauna, especially in human altered landscapes and on islands. Currently, she is a curator at the Zoological section of the Museum of Natural History of the University of Florence.
Marche Polytechnic University
Josie is an evolutionary biologist, using genomic data to study both neutral and adaptive processes in the molecular ecology of a range of non-model animal species, including lizards! Josie is currently a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Italy.
Ohio Wesleyan University
His main research interests are on Physiological ecology, Behavioral Ecology, Functional Morphology, Conservation, and Herpetology.
Eric's ongoing research aims to better understand how organisms are responding to rapid changes in the world’s climate and ecosystems, using an integrative approach that combines field observations, controlled lab experiments, and molecular techniques.
University of Valencia
As an ethologist and evolutionary biologist, Guillem is interested in animal communication and in the evolution of animal coloration and animal colour vision. His research is focused in several relevant issues related to colour evolution in lacertids, such as colour perception, colour production, or the mechanisms involved in the maintenance of the colour variability in this extremely complex and variable lizard family. He adopts an interdisciplinary approach that includes visual modelling, behavioural tests, physiology, molecular analyses and comparative analysis.

Registration Fees
Early Registration: 50 EUR
late Registration: 75 EUR
Researchers / Other participants​
Early Registration: 100 EUR
late Registration: 150 EUR
Important dates:
Early registration deadline - March 31 2024
Late registration deadline - May 31 2024
Fees include: Coffee breaks
Conference dinner: 32€ (regular menu); 27€ (vegetarian menu)
Excursion: 35 €/person
Faraham Ahmadzadeh
Salvador Carranza
Miguel A. Carretero
Claudia Corti
Pierre-André Crochet
Thomas Dellinger
Enrique Font
D. James Harris
Anthony Herrel
José Jesus
Antigoni Kaliontzopoulou
Marta López-Darias
Petros Lymberakis
Shai Meiri
Panayiotis Pafilis
Valentín Pérez-Mellado
Catarina Rato
Daniele Salvi
Neftalí Sillero
Giulia Simbula
Tahar Slimani
Raoul Van Damme
Anamarija Žagar
Savvas Zotos
Organising Committee
Scientific Committee
Miguel A. Carretero
Catarina Rato
Giulia Simbula
Thomas Dellinger
José Jesus
Frederico Barroso
Sara Nunes
Ana Luísa Ramos
Anastasios Limnios
Campus de Vairão
Rua Padre Armando Quintas 7
4485-661 Vairão