Funchal, Madeira (Portugal)
27-30 June 2024
12th International Symposium on Mediterranean Lacertid Lizards
Thursday 27th June
8h00 – 9h00 Registration & Poster placement
9h - 9h30 Opening Session
Session 1: Ecosystem Ecology
Session Chair: Miguel A. Carretero
9h30 - 10h30 Keynote speaker
The ecological role of lizards on oceanic islands: their functions such as seed dispersers and derived implications.
Manuel Nogales (Spanish National Research Council)
10h30 – 10h45 DNA metabarcoding reveals the trophic responses of wall lizards to agroecosystems
Ana Ramos (CIBIO-InBIO-BIOPOLIS, Portugal)
10h45 – 11h An integrative approach to assess the diet of the critically endangered Aeolian lizard Podarcis raffonei: preliminary results
Emanuele Berrilli (University of L'Aquila, Italy)
11h – 11h15 The effects of Lacertid lizards as top predators on the ecology of small island systems
Johannes Foufopoulos (University of Michigan, USA)
11h15 – 11h30 Unveiling trophic dynamics of the introduced Madeira Wall Lizard Teira dugesii across Azores archipelago
Sara F. Nunes (CIBIO-InBIO-BIOPOLIS, Portugal)
11h30 – 12h Coffee Break
Session Chair: D. James Harris
12h-12h15 Climate, population density and the body condition of the Balearic wall lizard populations (Podarcis lilfordi).
Andreu Rotger (GEDA-IMEDEA, CSIC -UIB, Spain)
12h15 – 12h30 The impact of increased day-time and night-time temperature on the phenotype of a vertebrate ectotherm (Podarcis muralis)
Constant Perry (CNRS–UAR 2029, France)
12h30-12h45 Environmental modelling of blood parasite infections in Iberian lacertids
Rodrigo Megía-Palma (UAH, Spain)
12h45-13h The role of Iberian green lizards in the spread of tick-borne pathogens
Renáta Kopena (HUN-REN, Hungary)
13h - 14h30 Lunch
Session 2: Conservation & Management
Session Chair: Giulia Simbula
14h30 - 15h30 Keynote speaker
Lizards in agro-environments: how much of our knowledge can be applied to conservation
Marta Biaggini (University of Florence)
15h30 – 15h45 The European conservation project LIFE EOLIZARD: a multidisciplinary framework for sounding conservation actions for the Critically Endangered Aeolian lizard Podarcis raffonei
Daniele Salvi (University of L’Aquila, Italy)
15h45 – 16h Agrolizards+ unveiling the ecological role of lizards in agricultural environments
Giulia Simbula (CIBIO-InBIO-BIOPOLIS, Portugal)
16h – 16h15 Burnt dinner: how wildfires impact the diet of lizards
Catarina Simões (CIBIO-InBIO-BIOPOLIS, Portugal)
16h15 - 16h45 Coffee break
Session Chair: Klaus Henle
16h45 – 17h Conservation implications of riparian disturbance on Lacerta schreiberi: a fine scale occupancy modelling study
Francisco Aguilar (CIBIO-InBIO-BIOPOLIS, Portugal)
17h – 17h15 Investigating climate change impact on island endemic Mediterranean Lacertids
Marilena Stamatiou (Open University of Cyprus, Cyprus)
17h15 - 19h "Madeira de Honra" (Madeira wine tasting and local pastries)
Faraham Ahmadzadeh
Salvador Carranza
Miguel A. Carretero
Claudia Corti
Pierre-André Crochet
Thomas Dellinger
Enrique Font
D. James Harris
Anthony Herrel
José Jesus
Antigoni Kaliontzopoulou
Marta López-Darias
Petros Lymberakis
Shai Meiri
Panayiotis Pafilis
Valentín Pérez-Mellado
Catarina Rato
Daniele Salvi
Neftalí Sillero
Giulia Simbula
Tahar Slimani
Raoul Van Damme
Anamarija Žagar
Savvas Zotos
Organising Committee
Scientific Committee
Miguel A. Carretero
Catarina Rato
Giulia Simbula
Thomas Dellinger
José Jesus
Frederico Barroso
Sara Nunes
Ana Luísa Ramos
Anastasios Limnios
Campus de Vairão
Rua Padre Armando Quintas 7
4485-661 Vairão